Garden with superhuman strength with a Japanese power suit


Don’t want your back aching after working in your garden?  Our friends at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology have got your covered.  With 3 years for only $10K you can have your very own power suit to complete your gardening choirs.  At a current weight of 55 pounds it will support your joints as you squat and reach.  Though for that much money might be a better idea to outsource your gardening tasks, or in my case work out a little more.

4 Responses to “Garden with superhuman strength with a Japanese power suit”

  1. Chiot's Run Says:

    Interesting. I garden to stay in shape so I don’t need a power suit. Carrying 2, 3 gallon watering cans keeps my arms in tip-top shape!

  2. Darla Says:

    That is too funny there! I’m with Chiot’s Run, carry some watering cans, bend, squat, shovel, rake…you won’t need a power suit!

  3. The Cheap Vegetable Gardener Says:

    I wonder what shape I would be in if I took spring/summer off or tried a powersuit. I seriously doubt the actual expected ROI on this one. 10K price tag + hardware maintenance versus a couple few visits to chiropractor after a pesky sunflower pull.

  4. Robj98168 Says:


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